Unfortunately, shipping times for products can vary considerably, anywhere from 10 - 30 days. This why we inform you that you can expect to receive your order in 2-4 weeks.
At SavageDeal.com, we work closely with a great deal of vendors (most of them the actual manufacturers in order to cut out the middle men that add costs) to find the lowest prices on high quality items that we believe you will love. We work everyday to eliminate unnecessary costs and then pass the savings onto you, which is why we are able to offer our products at such deeply discounted prices.
As part of our initiative to reduce costs for you, this can sometimes mean that shipping times may take longer than normal.
We know that everyone wants a great product at a great price, and they want it right now. The reality is that having faster shipping times can add 20 - 70% additional costs for you!
We've decided to offer you the best value that we possibly can, which means you will receive EXCELLENT quality at the lowest price possible.
We kindly ask for your patience with shipping and we know that you will absolutely love our products and our prices.